Monday, June 14, 2010


I'm not a loafer, nor one who will rest on "good enough". I can't think anyone would ever consider me lazy or unmotivated.

Seems like life is slowly moving forward...

In some ways I am too. Some things are healing, other things not healing at all. Some things are still broke, and other things seem to be mending ahead of schedule.

Again, it seems like life is moving on...

But I am so completely unprepared for it. I'm in no way physically or emotionally ready. I'm trying, I really am, but I'm feeling so lost.

One day you have a plan, a path, a sort of forecast for the future. Sure there are no certainties but you know what I mean. We have certain expectations or anticipations, based on our past and present. And WHAM this huge, completely life changing, tragedy just seems to destroy it all.

My whole world just seems to be shattered. I was on a path, rough, and uncertain sure, but a path none the less. Now... I'm lost. I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what to do. How to move forward...

I'm working real hard on healing, I go go go, but ultimately I'm still horribly wounded and completely lost.



  1. I'm working on a new motorcycle magazine and if you want to submit your story to tell about what happened let me know.

  2. Wooley... I might... I need to get myself settled down enough to start making sense of it all first.
