Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year ! ! !

Some friends I ride with were posting holiday greetings but could not seem to deal with our losses this year I'm not doing well with it either, but I'm trying to focus on the positive. Frankly for me it feels like a life and death situation.

Here is my response, hopefully it helps.

While myself and friends around me are trying to get into the spirit of the season I can't help but think of friends that were lost in the wreck, missing them so so terribly, as well as others throughout the year.

That being said, I can't speak for all those we lost but I do know that Christmas was a very happy and joyous season for a couple of them and I imagine they're better served and remembered in celebration than in me sitting around crying and singing "whooaa is me".

Much Love Dan, Dayle, Clyde, and Steve. And to all of you have a Very Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!


1 comment:

  1. Julie, Been a while since I check on your blog. I hope your Christmas holiday was great. I hope 2011 has started off well for you.
    Hang in there.
